Rates Announcement – 12th October

Following the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) decision to raise the cash rate by 0.25% to 2.60% on October 4th, we have been reviewing the balance between passing on the interest rate rise to our borrowers as well as our deposit holders.

Savings Accounts

Effective 12 October, we will be increasing the rate for our U30 SUPER CHARGE account by 1.10%, bringing our new rate to 3.60%.

Our Retirement Plus account will be increasing by 0.70% and our new rate becomes 1.40%.

Effective 1 November, we will be increasing the Bonus Rate for our Bonus Saver account by 0.75%, our new bonus rate becomes 2.80%. With this increase the total available rate for Bonus Saver holders will be 2.85%.

Our Dynamo Flex Account will be increasing by 0.70%, making our new rate 2.40%.

Term Deposits

Effective 12 October, we have increased our term deposit rates for our 1-5 year Term Deposit products.

Our 1-5 year Term Deposit rates will by 0.25% to therefore make the new rate 3.65%.

We are here to help, and we encourage any member who may need help to get in touch with our team on 132 267 so we can tailor a financial solution for them.